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When The Environment Needs Us,

we’re there.


As a company operating within the logistics sector, we recognise the importance of environmental protection and continue to look for opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint.

We have been monitoring our operational carbon footprint and environmental impact based on calculations in line with DEFRA guidelines. Our managed office estate is ISO 14001 accredited and we are working on a number of customer and colleague environmental initiatives, including our Routes Planting Roots campaign in partnership with the Earth Restoration Service and expanding our electric fleet.

We’re a Carbon Neutral Business 

“We are delighted to partner with Speedy Freight to help identify and offset their environmental impact for 2023 and beyond.” – James Poynter, Director – Carbon Neutral Britain

Speedy Freight has partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain to measure and offset our carbon emissions. As of August 2023, Speedy Freight is a certified Carbon Neutral Business. 

The scope of our Carbon Neutrality certification includes our office spaces across our entire franchised network, commuting practices, and our owned fleet.  

Through the Carbon Neutral Britain Climate Fund™, Speedy Freight is offsetting our carbon emissions through internationally certified carbon offsetting projects. The projects have been selected based on their direct and indirect impact around the world – not just in carbon offsetting, but also in supporting education, employment and clean water, as well as having a net positive impact on the local wildlife and ecology. 

Our certification as a Carbon Neutral Business by Carbon Neutral Britain is a testament to our dedication to environmental responsibility and we look forward to continuing our carbon offsetting efforts. 

Speedy Freight Are a Carbon Neutral Business

Certified Carbon Neutral Business

Our carbon offsetting efforts have been independently certified by Carbon Neutral Britain through the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER), and Certified Emission Reductions (CER) programs. As the three largest and most regulated voluntary offsetting standards used by organisations and countries in their emissions reductions—all measurements and tonnes of CO₂e offset are accurate and verified.

Routes Planting Roots

In April 2023, we launched our Routes Planting Roots environmental campaign in partnership with the Earth Restoration Service, where we funded wildflower meadows and tree nurseries for over thirty local schools in the areas where our branches operate. Our branches have funded wildflower meadows consisting of about 100 native wildflowers and tree nurseries of 50 native trees to reforest and reflower school grounds across the UK, in support of the Earth Restoration Service’s goal of planting 50,000 trees and enough wildflowers to attract 20 million insects to the UK by 2030.

Routes Planting Roots
Same day courier service Telford, Speedy Freight

Environmental Policy

Speedy Freight recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in fulfilment of its compliance obligations relating to same day couriers transporting freight on dedicated deliveries. Speedy Freight will measure its impact on the environment and set targets for ongoing improvement.

Environmental Objectives

We are always endeavouring to optimise operational efficiency, help reduce energy consumption, emissions and waste through technical improvements and the implementation of better working practices. We operate in compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and other requirements including contractual. We are committed to continual improvement, the prevention of pollution and environmental best practice in all we do.

Same day courier service Watford, Speedy Freight
Green Courier Fleet Speedy Freight

Green Fleet

Are you considering the shift to electric vehicles for your business deliveries? Partner with Speedy Freight to electrify your business deliveries by transitioning to our green courier fleet. Contact us today to learn more and inquire about our electric vehicle offerings.

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